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Board meeting - July 2023

Unless otherwise specified, meetings will be held at the following location:

Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines, 10950 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037

Public Call Letter 

All meeting times are approximate dependig upon the end of the previous meeting. 

July 25, 2023

Regular Meeting (Day 1) - 1:00 p.m. 

Item 1 - Approval of Committee Agenda 

Session: Open | Type: Action | Presenter: Chairperson

Item 01

Item 2 - Setting of CEO and CIO Performance Targets for the 2023-24 Performance Year (Gov. Code, sec. 11126(a), (b), (g))

Session: Closed | Type: Action | Presenter: Chairperson

Item 3 - Evaluation of CEO and CIO Base Salary Adjustment (Gov. Code, sec. 11126(a), (b), (g)(1))

Session: Closed | Type: Action | Presenter: Chairperson 

Item 4 - Information/Data Security (Gov. Code, sec. 11126 (c)(18)(A))

Session: Closed | Type: Information | Presenter: Brian Bartow

Item 5 - Chief Executive Officer Report 

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenter: Cassandra Lichnock

Item 05Item 05 Attachment 01

Item 6 - Chief Investment Officer Report

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenter: Chris Ailman

Item 06Item 06 Attachment 01PowerPoint

Item 7 - CalSTRS Annual Business Plan and Investment Annual Business Plan

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenters: Cassandra Lichnock / Lisa Blatnick / Chris Ailman

Item 07Item 07 Attachment 01 Item 07 Attachment 02PowerPoint

Item 8 - CalSTRS FY 23/24 Board and Committee Work Plans

Session: Open | Type: Action | Presenter: Chairperson

Item 08Item 08 Attachment 01

Item 9 - Investment Policy Management Plan – Asset Allocation – First Reading

Session: Open | Type: Action | Presenter: Scott Chan / Geraldine Jimenez

Item 09Item 09 Attachment 01Item 09 Attachment 02Item 08 Attachment 03

Item 10 - Review of Board Officer and Committee Delegation

Session: Open | Type: Consent Information | Presenter: Chairperson

Item 10

Item 11 - Contracts Requiring Board Approval

Session: Open | Type: Consent Action | Presenter: Chairperson 

Item 11


July 26, 2023

Regular Meeting (Day 2) - 9:00 a.m. 

Item 12 - Building Effective Cultures That Last

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenters: Cassandra Lichnock / Amy McDuffee, Mosaic Governance Advisors

Item 12Item 12 Attachment 01

Item 13 - Board Innovation Principles in Practice

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenters: Cassandra Lichnock

Item 13Item 13 Attachment 01PowerPoint

Item 14 - Financing the Net Zero Transition

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenters: Chris Ailman

Item 14PowerPoint 01PowerPoint 02PowerPoint 03

Item 15 - Opportunity for Statements from the Public

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenters: Chairperson

July 27, 2023

Regular Meeting (Day 3) - 10:30 a.m. 

Item 16 - Annual Board Self-Evaluation (Gov. Code, (Gov. Code, sec. 11126(a))

Session: Closed | Type: Information | Presenter: Chairperson

Item 17 - DE&I and the Board’s Role: Leading the Way

Session: Open | Type: Information | Presenter: Chairperson 

Item 17Item 17 Attachment 01Item 17 Attachment 02Item 17 Attachment 03Item 17 Attachment 04Item 17 Attachment 05Item 17 Attachment 06