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Creditable compensation amendments

CalSTRS’ Creditable Compensation Regulations interpret and make specific Education Code Sections 22112.5, 22119.2 and 22905, related to classes of employees, creditable and noncreditable compensation and the appropriate crediting of contributions to either the Defined Benefit Program or the Defined Benefit Supplement Program.

These amendments explicitly allow establishment of a class of employees based on employment in the same program established under a Local Control and Accountability Plan, further clarify “salary” and “remuneration that is paid in addition to salary,” and remove an unintended loophole that was included in the original language regarding successor pay. The board adopted the final regulations on June 8, 2017. The amendments were filed with the Secretary of State on August 22, 2017, and are effective October 1, 2017.

OAL File Number Z-2016-0920-07

Regulatory Action Number 2017-0714-02S

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Posted on September 6, 2017

Notice of Approval of Regulatory ActionSTD 400 with Secretary of State endorsementFinal Regulation TextFinal Statement of Reasons

Posted on April 10, 2017

Written comment period closed on April 25, 2017.

Notice of Modifications to Text of Proposed RegulationsModified Text of Proposed Regulations

Posted on September 30, 2016

Written comment period closed at 5 p.m. November 14, 2016.

Notice of Proposed RulemakingText of Proposed RegulationsInitial Statement of ReasonsEconomic and Fiscal Impact Statement (Standard Form 399)