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Coverage A or Coverage B

If you became a member after October 15, 1992, your survivors are protected under Coverage B. If you became a member before that date, you were offered the choice of either Coverage A or Coverage B.

Check your myCalSTRS account or your Retirement Progress Report for your coverage. If you are not certain of your coverage, contact us.

One-time death benefit

A one-time death benefit is payable to your designated recipient or recipients if eligibility requirements are met. The amount varies depending on whether you have disability and survivor benefits under Coverage A or B and whether you die before or after retirement.

You may name one or more recipients for the one-time death benefit, and there is no restriction regarding whom you may name. Your one-time death benefit recipient may be a:

  • Person
  • Trust
  • Charity
  • Estate
  • Parochial institution
  • Corporation
  • Public entity

If you do not have a one-time death benefit recipient in effect on the date of your death, the one-time death benefit will be paid to your estate.

Monthly benefits

Your survivors may be eligible for a monthly benefit if you either:

  • Die before retirement.
  • Are receiving a disability benefit at the time of death.

These monthly benefits are not the same as payments made to your option beneficiaries if you elected a preretirement option or elected an option at the time of retirement.

Less than one year of service credit

If you have less than one year of service credit, your one-time benefit recipient will receive a refund of your accumulated Defined Benefit and Defined Benefit Supplement contributions and interest.