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Annuity calculation estimates

Service retirement Defined Benefit Supplement tables are as of September 1, 2024.

For the most up-to-date information, see the CalSTRS Member Handbook.

Member-only annuity

This provides a lifetime monthly payment. Any balance remaining upon your death will be paid to your one-time death benefit recipient.

The ages in the table below refer to your age at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $22 $22 $23 $25
$5,000 $31 $32 $33 $35
$7,500 $47 $48 $50 $53
$10,000 $62 $64 $67 $71
$15,000 $93 $96 $100 $106
$20,000 $124 $128 $134 $142
$25,000 $155 $160 $167 $177
$30,000 $186 $192 $201 $213
$40,000 $249 $256 $267 $283
$50,000 $311 $321 $334 $354

Defined Benefit Supplement period-certain annuity estimates

This annuity provides a monthly annuity payable from three to 10 years. A Period-Certain Annuity of three to nine years may be rolled over to another qualified plan each month.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balance3 year4 year5 year6 year7 year8 year9 year10 year

Defined Benefit Supplement 100% beneficiary annuity estimates

This choice provides a monthly annuity payment for your lifetime and the lifetime of your annuity beneficiary. One hundred percent of your monthly annuity payment will be paid to your annuity beneficiary upon your death. If your beneficiary dies first, your payment will rise to the Member-Only annuity amount.

If you are age 50 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $21 $21 $21
$5,000 $30 $30 $30 $30
$7,500 $45 $45 $45 $46
$10,000 $60 $60 $61 $61
$15,000 $89 $90 $91 $91
$20,000 $119 $120 $121 $122
$25,000 $149 $150 $151 $152
$30,000 $179 $180 $182 $183
$40,000 $238 $240 $242 $244
$50,000 $298 $300 $303 $305

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 55 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $21 $22 $22
$5,000 $30 $30 $31 $31
$7,500 $45 $46 $46 $47
$10,000 $60 $61 $62 $62
$15,000 $90 $91 $92 $93
$20,000 $120 $121 $123 $124
$25,000 $150 $152 $154 $155
$30,000 $180 $182 $185 $187
$40,000 $240 $243 $246 $249
$50,000 $300 $304 $308 $311

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 60 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $21 $22 $22
$5,000 $30 $31 $31 $32
$7,500 $45 $46 $47 $48
$10,000 $60 $61 $63 $64
$15,000 $90 $92 $94 $95
$20,000 $121 $123 $125 $127
$25,000 $151 $154 $156 $159
$30,000 $181 $184 $188 $191
$40,000 $241 $246 $250 $255
$50,000 $302 $307 $313 $318

 Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 65 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $22 $22 $23
$5,000 $30 $31 $32 $33
$7,500 $45 $46 $48 $49
$10,000 $61 $62 $64 $65
$15,000 $91 $93 $95 $98
$20,000 $121 $124 $127 $130
$25,000 $152 $155 $159 $163
$30,000 $182 $186 $191 $196
$40,000 $243 $248 $254 $261
$50,000 $303 $310 $318 $326

 Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

Defined Benefit Supplement 75% beneficiary annuity estimates

This choice provides a monthly annuity payment for your lifetime and the lifetime of your annuity beneficiary. Seventy-five percent of your monthly annuity payment will be paid to your annuity beneficiary upon your death. If your beneficiary dies first, your payment will rise to the Member-Only annuity amount.

If you are age 50 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $21 $21 $22
$5,000 $30 $30 $31 $31
$7,500 $45 $46 $46 $46
$10,000 $60 $61 $61 $62
$15,000 $91 $91 $92 $92
$20,000 $121 $122 $122 $123
$25,000 $151 $152 $153 $154
$30,000 $181 $183 $184 $185
$40,000 $242 $243 $245 $246
$50,000 $302 $304 $306 $308


If you are age 55 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $22 $22 $22
$5,000 $31 $31 $31 $32
$7,500 $46 $46 $47 $47
$10,000 $61 $62 $63 $63
$15,000 $92 $93 $94 $95
$20,000 $123 $124 $125 $126
$25,000 $153 $155 $156 $158
$30,000 $184 $186 $188 $189
$40,000 $246 $248 $250 $252
$50,000 $307 $310 $313 $315

 Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 60 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $22 $22 $22 $23
$5,000 $31 $32 $32 $32
$7,500 $47 $47 $48 $49
$10,000 $62 $63 $64 $65
$15,000 $94 $95 $96 $97
$20,000 $125 $127 $128 $130
$25,000 $156 $158 $160 $162
$30,000 $187 $190 $192 $195
$40,000 $250 $253 $257 $260
$50,000 $312 $316 $321 $325

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 65 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $22 $23 $23 $24
$5,000 $32 $32 $33 $34
$7,500 $48 $49 $50 $50
$10,000 $64 $65 $66 $67
$15,000 $95 $97 $99 $101
$20,000 $127 $130 $132 $135
$25,000 $159 $162 $165 $168
$30,000 $191 $194 $198 $202
$40,000 $255 $259 $264 $269
$50,000 $318 $324 $330 $337

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

Defined Benefit Supplement 50% beneficiary annuity estimates

This choice provides a monthly annuity payment for your lifetime and the lifetime of your annuity beneficiary. Fifty percent of your monthly annuity payment will be paid to your annuity beneficiary upon your death. If your beneficiary dies first, your payment will rise to the Member-Only annuity amount.

If you are age 50 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $21 $22 $22 $22
$5,000 $31 $31 $31 $31
$7,500 $46 $46 $46 $46
$10,000 $61 $62 $62 $62
$15,000 $92 $92 $93 $93
$20,000 $123 $123 $124 $124
$25,000 $153 $154 $154 $155
$30,000 $184 $185 $185 $186
$40,000 $245 $246 $247 $248
$50,000 $307 $308 $309 $310

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 55 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $22 $22 $22 $22
$5,000 $31 $32 $32 $32
$7,500 $47 $47 $48 $48
$10,000 $63 $63 $63 $64
$15,000 $94 $95 $95 $96
$20,000 $125 $126 $127 $128
$25,000 $157 $158 $159 $159
$30,000 $188 $189 $190 $191
$40,000 $251 $252 $254 $255
$50,000 $313 $315 $317 $319

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 60 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $23 $23 $23 $23
$5,000 $32 $32 $33 $33
$7,500 $48 $49 $49 $50
$10,000 $64 $65 $66 $66
$15,000 $97 $97 $98 $99
$20,000 $129 $130 $131 $132
$25,000 $161 $162 $164 $165
$30,000 $193 $195 $197 $198
$40,000 $257 $260 $262 $264
$50,000 $322 $325 $328 $331

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.

If you are age 65 at retirement 

The ages in the table below refer to the age of your annuity beneficiary at retirement.

Defined Benefit Supplement account balanceAge 50Age 55Age 60Age 65
$3,500 $23 $24 $24 $24
$5,000 $33 $34 $34 $35
$7,500 $50 $51 $51 $52
$10,000 $67 $67 $68 $69
$15,000 $100 $101 $102 $104
$20,000 $133 $135 $137 $138
$25,000 $166 $168 $171 $173
$30,000 $200 $202 $205 $207
$40,000 $266 $269 $273 $277
$50,000 $333 $337 $341 $346

Note: The Defined Benefit Supplement annuity estimates above are not valid for CalSTRS disability benefit recipients. Option factors are adjusted periodically.