Advisory letter request
Employers and exclusive representatives may submit a request for an advisory letter pursuant to Education Code section 22326 for guidance about the proper reporting of compensation included, or proposed to be included, in a publicly available contractual agreement.
An advisory letter may take up to 30 days after receipt of all requested information, which may be extended with good cause. A delay in receiving all requested information may result in a longer time frame.
Each advisory letter request must be specific to one compensation item. If more than one compensation item requires review, submit an Advisory Letter Request form for each item.
Advisory letters provide formal written guidance for employers or unions on specific compensation language that is already included, or proposed to be included, in a publicly available written contractual agreement. Advisory letters may be relied upon only for the specific language and material facts provided to CalSTRS in the request for the advisory letter. CalSTRS will typically need more time to review all the language provided in an advisory letter request than for general guidance.
For general guidance, or Teachers’ Retirement Law training needs, contact When these inquiries are received, responses from CalSTRS do not constitute an advisory letter pursuant to Education Code section 22326.
For guidance on a specific member’s compensation, contact the CalSTRS Office of the Ombuds. Responses from the CalSTRS Ombuds do not constitute an advisory letter pursuant to Education Code section 22326.